Monday, December 15, 2008

Advances in Behavioral Economics or State Power and World Markets

Advances in Behavioral Economics

Author: Colin F Camerer

Twenty years ago, behavioral economics did not exist as a field. Most economists were deeply skeptical--even antagonistic--toward the idea of importing insights from psychology into their field. Today, behavioral economics has become virtually mainstream. It is well represented in prominent journals and top economics departments, and behavioral economists, including several contributors to this volume, have garnered some of the most prestigious awards in the profession.

This book assembles the most important papers on behavioral economics published since around 1990. Among the 25 articles are many that update and extend earlier foundational contributions, as well as cutting-edge papers that break new theoretical and empirical ground.

Advances in Behavioral Economics will serve as the definitive one-volume resource for those who want to familiarize themselves with the new field or keep up-to-date with the latest developments. It will not only be a core text for students, but will be consulted widely by professional economists, as well as psychologists and social scientists with an interest in how behavioral insights are being applied in economics.

The articles, which follow Colin Camerer and George Loewenstein's introduction, are by the editors, George A. Akerlof, Linda Babcock, Shlomo Benartzi, Vincent P. Crawford, Peter Diamond, Ernst Fehr, Robert H. Frank, Shane Frederick, Simon Gächter, David Genesove, Itzhak Gilboa, Uri Gneezy, Robert M. Hutchens, Daniel Kahneman, Jack L. Knetsch, David Laibson, Christopher Mayer, Terrance Odean, Ted O'Donoghue, Aldo Rustichini, David Schmeidler, Klaus M. Schmidt, Eldar Shafir, Hersh M. Shefrin, Chris Starmer, Richard H.Thaler, Amos Tversky, and Janet L. Yellen.

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State Power and World Markets: The International Political Economy

Author: Joseph M M Grieco

The first text to fully integrate economic principles with political analysis, State Power and World Markets provides a contemporary and comprehensive overview of the international political economy. Professors Grieco and Ikenberry focus on the dynamic, reciprocal relationships between states and world markets, articulating the ways in which their interactions shape the world economy today. Intellectually challenging yet perfectly pitched to the undergraduate student, written by experts in the field, and combining the best of current political and economic theory, State Power and World Markets will enrich and further focus the undergraduate study of international relations

Author Biography: Joseph M. Grieco is Professor of Political Science at Duke University, where his teaching and research center on theories of international relations, issues of international political economy, and problems of international conflict. He is the author of Cooperation Among Nations: Europe, America, and Non-Tariff Barriers to Trade and Between Dependency and Autonomy: India's Experience with the International Computer Industry. G. John Ikenberry is the Peter F. Krogh Professor of Geopolitics and Global Justice at Georgetown University. A specialist in the areas of international political economy, international relations, and American foreign policy, he is the author most recently of After Victory: Institutions, Strategic Restraint, and the Rebuilding of Order after Major Wars and editor of America Unrivaled: The Future of the Balance of Power.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1Introduction1
Chapter 2The Economics of International Trade19
Chapter 3The Economics of International Money and Finance57
Chapter 4The Political Foundations of the World Economy92
Chapter 5State Power and the Promotion of National Interests through Economic Integration124
Chapter 6State Power and the Promotion of National Interests through Economic Sanctions and Incentives163
Chapter 7Economic Globalization and Political Backlash204
Chapter 8Developing Nations and the World Economy244
Chapter 9Mechanisms for Governance, Reform, and Expansion of the World Political Economy288
Chapter 10Conclusion327
AppendixStudying International Political Economy through the Internet339

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