Sunday, December 7, 2008

Internship Practicum and Field Placement Handbook or Career Development Interventions in the 21st Century

Internship, Practicum, and Field Placement Handbook: A Guide for the Helping Professions

Author: Brian Baird

Acknowledging, anticipating, and addressing the everyday questions, anxieties, fears, and concerns of interns, this practical handbook bridges the gap between academic coursework and the knowledge, skills, and emotional challenges that are found in the real world of the helping professions.

Incorporating the newest version of the APA ethics code, the federal HIPAA regulations, and the applications of technology to treatment and record keeping, this book contains the most recent research and literature pertaining to internship training, ethics and legal issues, supervision, self-care, record keeping, risk management, and more.

Professionals and interns involved with internships, practicums, and field placements in Psychology, Social Work, Counseling, and related helping disciplines.

Table of Contents:

Preface  viii

Foreword by Bruce E. Bennett, Ph.D.  x

Chapter 1: Preparation  1

 Theory into Practice, 1

 Terminology, 1

 Meeting with Your Instructor, 2

 Finding and Selecting a Placement, 3

 Peers and Campus Resources for Locating Internships, 3

 Community Resources, 4

 Choosing a Placement, 4

 Portfolios, Interviews, and Letters, 8

 The Rights of Applicants, 9

 Internship Agreements, 9

 Evaluation, 11

 Making the Most of Your Internship, 11

 Using This Book, 13

 Introduction to Journal Work, 14

 References, 16

Chapter 2: Getting Started  18

 First Impressions, 18

 Enthusiasm Meets Experience, 19

 The Role of the Intern, 20

 The Role of the Professional, 20

 Meeting Clients, 21

 Age and Experience I ssues with Clients and Supervisors, 21

 Time Limits, 22

 Fees for Service, 23

 Is Treatment Effective? 23

 Altruism versus Money, 24

 Clinical and Ethical Issues Pertaining to Fees, 25

 Inoculation: What Not to Learn, 26

 References, 27

Chapter 3: Ethical And Legal Issues  29

 Ethical Guidelines of the Helping Professions, 29

 The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 30

 Competence, 32

 Informed Consent, 33

 Confidentiality, 35

 Exceptions to Confidentiality, 38

 Insurance Company Inquiries, Managed Care, and Ethical Practice, 42

 Confidentiality with Minors,44

 Dual Relationships, 44

 Liability and Insurance, 50

 Technology and Ethics, 52

 Research Ethics, 52

 Summary, 53

 References, 53

Chapter 4: Internship Classes And < br>  Peer Groups  58

 Forming Internship Peer Groups, 58

 Models of Peer Group Learning, 58

 Elements of Successful Classes and Groups, 59

 Video or Audio Recordings of Sessions, 61

 Role Plays, 62

 Ethics in Classes and Groups, 63

 References, 65

Chapter 5: Supervision  66

 What is Supervision? 66

 Hopes and Fears, 66

 Clarifying Expectations, 68

 Frequency and Timing of Supervision, 68

 Content of Supervision, 69

 Didactic Supervision, 70

 Case Notes and Discussions, 70

 Tapes and Role Plays, 72

 Live Supervision, 72

 Observing the Supervisor in Therapy, 73

 Remote Supervision–Internet, Telephone, and Other Technologies, 73

 Theoretical Orientation, 74

 Supervision and Therapy–Differences and Similarities, 75

 Transference and Counte rtransference, 79

 Suggested Guidelines for Therapy and Supervision, 79

 Conflict in Supervision, 80

 Evaluation, 82

 Planning for Future Supervision, 84

 References, 84

Chapter 6: Working With Diversity  87

 Reasons for and Resistance to Diversity Training, 87

 Steps toward Working with Differences, 89

 Knowing the Diversity within Us, 90

 Confronting Our Biases and Acknowledging Our Ignorance, 91

 The Historical Context Must Be Acknowledged, 92

 The Current Context Must Be Acknowledged, 93

 Strengths Must Be Recognized 
 along with Problems, 93

 Ethnic Identity Development, 94

 One’s Own Prejudices and Biases Must Be Acknowledged, 94

 A Model of “White” Identity Development, 95

 Assumptions, Models, and Techniques of Treatment, 96

 The Culturally Sensitive Counsel or, 97

 Culturally Sensitive Intervention Approaches, 98

 Additional Resources, 98

 Summary, 99

 References, 99

Chapter 7: Clinical Writing, Treatment Records, And Case Notes  101

 Writing Skills, 101

 Writing Can Be Learned, 101

 Focusing Reading to Learn Writing, 102

 Practice and Feedback, 102

 Rewriting, 103

 Common Writing Problems, 104

 Keys to Good Writing, 104

 The Function and Maintenance of Records, 108

 What Goes into Records, 109

 What Stays Out of Records, 111

 Progress Notes and Psychotherapy Notes, 112

 Structured Note Formats, 114

 SOAP Notes, 116

 Psychotherapy Notes, 116

 Process or Progress Notes, 117

 Signing Notes, 117

 Dictation, 117

 Progress Notes and Supervision, 118

 Using Your Notes, 118

 Other Guidelines, 119

&nbs p;References, 119

Chapter 8: Stress And Self-Care  121

 Client after Client, Day after Day, 122

 How Common Is Stress among Helping 
 Professionals? 122

 Sources of Stress, 123

  The Effects of Stress, 124

 Secondary Trauma, 127

 Burnout, 128

 Self-Care, 132

 Time Management, 132

 Closing Sessions, 134

 Cognitive Self-Care, 134

 Physical Self-Care, 137

 Emotional Self-Care, 139

 Organizational Measures and Peer Support, 140

 Multimodal Self-Care, 141

 Personal Therapy, 141

 Positive Effects on Therapists, 142

 Financial Self-Care, 143

 References, 143

Chapter 9: Assault And Other Risks  146

 The Risks of Assault, 147

 Coping with Aggression, 147

 Strange Behavior and Strange People Are Not Necessarily Dangerous, 148

 Understand Dev elopmental Differences, 148

 Understand and Recognize Motivational Factors, 148

 Situational Factors and Violence, 149

 Recognize Potentially Dangerous Individuals, 151

 Early Prevention of Violence, 152

 Institutional Responses to Threats of Violence, 153

 Prevention of Imminent Violence with Clients, 153

 Responding to Assault, 154

 Assault Response Training, 155

 Aftereffects, 155

 References, 156

Chapter 10: Closing Cases  157

 Ethical Considerations and Termination, 157

 Understanding Client Reactions to Early 
 Termination, 157

 Common Problems in Termination, 159

 Toward Successful Termination or Transfer, 159

 Issues to Address in Termination, 161

 Techniques for Termination, 162

 Transferring Clients to Other Therapists, 163

 References, 164

Chapter 11: Finishing The Internship  166

 Concluding the Supervisory Relationship, 166

 Letters of Recommendation, 168

 Procedures for Those Seeking Letters of Recommendation, 169

 Concluding Relationships with Staff, 169

 Letters of Thanks, 170

 Looking Ahead, 170

 Professional, Community, and Political 
 Involvement, 171

 References, 171

Chapter 12: Frustrations, Lessons, 
 Discoveries, And Joy  173

 Learning from Whatever Happens, 173

 Lessons We Wish Were Not True, 173

 Lessons about the Lessons, 175

 Discoveries and Joy, 175

 Closing Comments, 176

Appendix A: Internship Selection Checklist  177

Appendix B: Placement Information Form  181

Appendix C: Internship Learning Agreement Record Form  183

Appendix D: Intern Evaluation:
Supervisor Form  185

Appendix E: Intern Evaluation: Intern Form  190

Appendix F: Emergency Contact And
Procedures Information  195

Appendix G: Ethical Guidelines  197

Appendix H: Treatment Agreement And
Informed Consent  199

Appendix I: Supervisor Evaluation Form  202

Appendix J: Clinical Activities
Record Sheet  206

Indexes  208

Author Index, 208Subject Index, 212

Career Development Interventions in the 21st Century

Author: Spencer G Niles

Key Benefit:  Organized around the National Career Development Association’s competencies, this practical, engaging book examines the full spectrum of state-of-the-art career development topics. Key Topics:  Coverage focuses squarely on the application of interventions with real people, using straightforward presentations and cases studies to expose readers to all of the essential competencies required for the professional practice of career counseling. The authors’ respect for their field, and their long-standing commitment to educating individuals about career development theory and practice creates a readable, useful, interesting text that addresses the wide diversity of career counseling clients and counselors in today’s society, while emphasizing that careers develop over time, rather than in a single “enlightened” moment.

Table of Contents:

Ch. 1 Introduction to Career Development Interventions 1

Ch. 2 Understanding and Applying Theories of Career Development 35

Ch. 3 Understanding and Applying Recent Theories 88

Ch. 4 Career Development and Diverse Populations 123

Ch. 5 Assessment and Career Planning 158

Ch. 6 Career Information and Resources 191

Ch. 7 Using Technology to Support Career Counseling and Planning 218

Ch. 8 Career Counseling Strategies and Techniques for the 21st Century 238

Ch. 9 Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating Career Development Programs and Services 274

Ch. 10 Career Development Interventions in the Elementary Schools 310

Ch. 11 Career Development Interventions in Middle and High Schools 339

Ch. 12 Career Developmenllnterventions in Higher Education 377

Ch. 13 Career Development Interventions in Communily Settings 412

Ch. 14 Ethical Issues in Career Development Interventions 427

App. A American Counseling Association Code of Et hics and Standards of Practice 450

App. B National Career Development Association Ethical Standards 472

App. C Educational and Career Planning Portfolio 478

App. D Career Counseling Competencies of the National Career Development Association (NCDA) 484

App. E 2009 CACREP Standards Related to Career Development 488

App. F National Career Development Guidelines (NCDG) Framework 489

Index 501

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